Car Buying Coach!

Why “The Car Bulldog”?

Bulldogs embody qualities of friendliness, charm, unwavering persistence, and resilience—traits I believe reflect the essence of the services I offer.

Moreover, I have a huge affinity for these remarkable creatures, making the name all the more fitting! Just like a bulldog I am curious, tenacious and usually charming!

How Does It Work?

1 ➢ Initiate Contact with Crystal: Reach out via email or the website’s contact form. LinkedIn is an additional great and efficient way to reach me!

2 ➢ In-Depth Consultation: Engage in a comprehensive conversation with Crystal after enlisting The Car Bulldog’s expertise & services.

3 ➢ Personalized Assessment: Answer a series of questions designed to help grasp your preferences, desires, and needs.

4 ➢ Tailored Approach: I craft every purchase process to align seamlessly with the unique requirements each of my Client’s prefer.

5 ➢ Sit Back and Relax: Entrust me with the entire negotiation process on your behalf, ensuring you receive optimal terms, the right car and an enjoyable experience!